Thursday, April 13, 2017

Magnificent Srirangam

Sunday 7th May 2017 4.30 pm.

A great opportunity to be at the Arangam of 1000 pillars, soak in the  tharangam of nectarene bhajans, transcend to antarangam  of your heart to  experience  bliss at the Bhuloka Vaikuntam!

Located in an island, the Ranganatha Swamy temple is one of the world’s oldest and foremost divine abodes. Towering gopurams, numerous sanctums and mandaps, thousands of sculptures evolved here over many centuries. The tradition of food offerings, festival, music and dance abound. The Lord gets entertained in Nithyotsava. Saint Ramanuja   played a vital role in its resurgence and the protocols evolved by him are adored here for centuries.

 Join us at his Sahasrabdi festivity.

Thaen Amudham Satsang on 1st May 2017.

The uninhibited joy

Been part of two programs back–to-back, attended by differing age groups.There is no richer experience than to see children's faces light up at the suspense of a new tale! The uninhibited joy with which they listened was akin to that of an eager adult audience at the AMP.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

No time to stand and stare!

Colourful flowers, symbolic of perfection and spirituality. 
In the course of a recent  satsang,  asked the assembly as to how many of them stop and admire the ethereal beauty of flowers ‘trending’ this season in public view. A poor life this, full of care, many of us have no time to stand and stare at them! This morning the messenger box opened with images of Pink Poui posted by a satsangee adorning an avenue in her residential area!

Flowers bring a touch of eternity, joy and beauty that lie beyond the sorrows and cares of the human world. Great Saints have pointed out that apart from the colour, fragrance, beauty of form and texture of a flower, there is something more - an aspiration, a psychic giving, wordless prayers of Nature.A conscious and intimate relationship with flowers can give an experience of communion with the Divine and awaken the true consciousness in us.