Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy Shankaranthi to you all.

You are affected by whatever you touch!

There was a recent article in NYT pointing to the dangers of a germ warehouse on our mobile handsets! From oily fingerprints and lint on the touch screen to dust and crumbs forming particulate frost in the corners. Because our electronics are constantly within our grubby grasp, they can get pretty gross. They are taken into public restrooms, handed to runny-nosed toddlers, passed around to share photos and pressed against sweaty skin in gyms. Repeated studies show what accumulates is germy nastiness worse than what is on the bottom of your shoe.
Like your toothbrush, your mobile device is something you want to clean regularly say researchers. Cleaning these devices can be tricky, since you don’t want to damage it and manufacturers don’t give you much guidance. Regular wiping down your device with a moist microfiber cloth was sufficient to eliminate many kinds of common bacteria. More enduring and dangerous bacteria and flu viruses may require a sterilizing agent like bleach or alcohol. 

A revered Master once remarked:

"Another person’s sins would pass to oneself through the touch of that person’s skin. It is for that reason that devotees are not allowed to touch the feet of some swamis. Since one cannot be sure who is bad and who is good, it is best to refrain from touching." 

Perplexed devotees asked “In a world habit of hugs and kisses, given without discrimination, what are we supposed to do? In some countries, we kiss on both cheeks when we meet. In others, we exchange handshakes. Taken to extremes, this would mean avoiding crowded buses. How to manage?” 

The reply from the Master was indeed touching:

“When the tender plant of devotion begins to grow, it must be protected. When a young tree is growing, various animals will eat it and may kill it. Hence, a fence is placed around the young tree. When the tree is grown it needs no protection. The same animals, which would have first destroyed it, now seek and find shade and shelter beneath its branches. I cultivated devotion; I began to understand that the Divine did indeed reside in all. But I stopped short of running up and embracing everyone.

You are affected by whatever you touch. For instance, if you touch fire, it scalds. Fire can burn even iron. It is so potent. But when the fire is extinguished, the residue is mere charcoal. When you touch the charcoal, your hand becomes black. Thus in either case, the contact is not beneficial. But what happens when you come in contact with divine fire? All your bad thoughts and bad actions are reduced to ashes." 

Happy Shankaranthi to you all.

Dr.Arun Madhavan

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